Saturday, August 15, 2009

3.18 - Wrigley’s Hubba Bubba “Ouch” Bubble Gum

Wrigley’s Hubba Bubba “Ouch” Bubble Gum is, I suppose, directed at kids. The gum tin is designed to be like a "Band Aid" tin, only multi-colored and fruity flavored.

Because of the "bubble" word, we add a new category: "Bubble blowing ability".

This review was performed by Jay & Kevin, with Chromer as a special guest reviewer.

Flavor Longevity: 2.67
Jay - 3
Kevin - 2
Chromer - 3

"Less than 20 minutes."
"When chewed with water flavor fades immediately."

Taste: 3.33
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Chromer - 3

"Very sweet taste…almost too sweet."
"Meh, it's alright."
"Starts strong, but becomes bland quickly."

Flavor Strength: 3.00
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Chromer - 3

"It seems very strong at the beginning, but then just calms down to a standard bubble gum."

Texture & Consistency: 3.33
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Chromer - 3

"Soft right from the get-go."
"Very soft and pleasant at first – quickly becomes hard."

Refreshment: 2.66
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Chromer - 2

"I found myself drinking water a lot."
"Moistened at first, but then dried me out after 30 minutes."

Bubble Blowing: 4.5
Jay - 4
Kevin - 5
Chromer - N/A

"Gum portions are too small to effectively blow bubbles, but that may just be a factor of the general portion size for gum nowadays. However, when I did try the bubble it held together nicely and achieved a decent size, given the amount of gum. Back in “the day”, we used to chew 3 or 4 pieces of Hubba Bubba at a time to get huge bubbles. I did that with this and it worked out great."
"Good for bubbles initially."

Overall Score: 3.18

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