Monday, April 25, 2011

3.16 - Stride Spark: Kinetic Fruit

Stride Spark: Kinetic Fruit

So this is Stride's line of gums that mix in things not normally thought of when it come to chewing gum.

In this case Kinetic Fruit has B6 and B12 vitamins.

Participating in this review are the classics: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam. In addition, the new guy: Mark.

Flavor Longevity: 3.6
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 3
Mark - 3

"Unfortunately the flavor hangs out for a bit."
"Just cause I gave it a 3 doesn’t mean I really like it."
"Solid longevity."

Taste: 2.8
Jay - 2
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 2
Mark - 3

"The initial burst is bad, way too chemical tasting. Like your tongue on a 9-volt. It does get better, but not much."
"It definitely has a “taste.” The taste actually forced my face into a terrible contortion because of its “taste.”"
"Not bad. Kind of like Flintstones Orange vitamins."

Flavor Strength: 3.6
Jay - 5
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 3
Mark - 3

"The initial burst is strong, but then it fades faster than Manning in the playoffs."
"Very very strong during the first 30 seconds. It then tapers off and is tolerable."
"Pretty good...I could see turning it up one more notch for the full effect."

Texture & Consistency: 3.2
Jay - 2
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 2
Mark - 3

"This is the only thing good about this gum. You can chew it for a while."
"It’s easy to chew once you get over the “taste.”"
"Solid mouth feel."

Refreshment: 2.6
Jay - 2
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 1
Mark - 3

"There is a slight minty flavor that keeps it from the pits of hell."
"The “taste” is like shit and as I said before: shit isn’t refreshing."
"Not the best gum I’ve had, but fairly decent. Look mom… I’m getting my vitamins too!"

Overall Score: 3.16

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