Friday, May 27, 2011

2.60 - Wrigley's Extra Dessert Delights Strawberry Shortcake

Wrigley's Extra Dessert Delights Strawberry Shortcake

The Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream gum went over fairly well...

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Dan, Adam, & Mark.

Flavor Longevity: 3.0
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 3
Mark - 2

"Was decreasing rapidly at exit time."

Taste: 2.4
Jay - 2
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 2
Mark - 1

"Not what I want in a gum (but I guess it was what was advertised)."
"Pretty nice strawberry flavor at first. Not quite as great as it tapers off, but remains fairly solid."
"I suppose it was good for a strawberry shortcake, but it just isn’t my cup of tea."
"Something like strawberry shortcake should not be put into gum form."

Flavor Strength: 3.0
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 2
Mark - 3

"I could use just a more bit punch."
"Not very strong."

Texture & Consistency: 2.6
Jay - 4
Kevin - 2
Dan - 4
Adam - 2
Mark - 1

"Like a tire off of an old Schwinn."
"The size of the piece was fine. The gum did rubberize fairly quickly though."

Refreshment: 2.0
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Dan - 4
Adam - 1
Mark - 1

"Not one bit. Felt sugary and 'bla' the whole time."
"Fairly decent gum in the Desert line for Extra. Not as good as the Great One (Mint Chocolate Chip), but respectable."
"Not really. The sweetness leaves my mouth wanting to be refreshed."

Overall Score: 2.60

Thursday, May 19, 2011

4.12 - Stride Spark: Kinetic Mint

Stride Spark: Kinetic Mint

A couple weeks ago we tried the Kinetic Fruit. Now it is time for the Mint. Just a hint: this gum almost broke into the top 5 of all time!

Participating in this review are the classics: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam. In addition, the new guy: Mark.

Flavor Longevity: 4.2
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 4
Mark - 4

"Stronger than 3-of-a-kind in a game of 5-Card Stud."
"Still going, oddly enough."
"Has a solid lingering mint taste that keeps going and going."

Taste: 3.8
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 3
Mark - 4

"This is a unique mint. The mint is good and they threw in something a little extra...a hint of citrus?"
"What a gum should taste like, but it’s oddly non-descriptive."
"Very sweet – almost too sweet. Some of the initial sweetness backs off eventually, leaving you with a pleasant sweet-minty taste."

Flavor Strength: 4.6
Jay - 5
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 4
Mark - 5

"Perfect. Not too strong, just right."
"Pretty strong taste"

Texture & Consistency: 4.0
Jay - 5
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 4
Mark - 4

"Just about perfect for this kind of gum."

Refreshment: 4.0
Jay - 5
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 3
Mark - 4

"This may well be my new favorite gum."
"Kinda refreshing...I think?"
"Not too bad, but could have used more mint and less sweet in the flavor. Otherwise, a decent all-around gum."

Overall Score: 4.12

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

1.84 - Wrigley's 5: Vortex (Green Apple)

By the name: Wrigley's 5: Vortex, you would have no idea that it is apple flavor.

Nothing vitamins, no ginseng, no heroin...just gum.

This gum drove a member of the taste testing crew to violence and its horrible taste helped it rank as the #2 worst gum ever in the history of this blog.

Participating in this review are: Jay, Kevin, Dan, Adam, and Mark (promoted from "New Guy").

Flavor Longevity: 1.6
Jay - 3
Kevin - 1
Dan - 1
Adam - 1
Mark - 2

"Far too long."
"Thank God it wears off fast."
"The flavor is faded fast after about 10 minutes."

Taste: 1.4
Jay - 1
Kevin - 1
Dan - 1
Adam - 1
Mark - 3

"OMG! This is the worst tasting gum ever."
"Simply Terrible. You’ll do your best to keep this gum off your tongue. When I made my post using the word shit in every category, I should have saved that post for this gum."
"This is an extremely vile taste. It is vaguely like apple, but I am pretty sure there is some anthrax and rotting battery acid too."
"Fu*beep*ck me gently with a chainsaw, this shit is vile! Imagine a person with no working taste buds trying to concoct a gum that tastes like green apple...they ignorantly select multiple flavor chemicals with no knowledge if they actually go together – now release this gum on the market without taste testing. This is that gum. It tastes like floor cleaner with a hint of pine tree extract. It brings rage to those who chew it and drove this reviewer to violence (I’m afraid to say that the blog owner was assaulted by a stuffed doll as a result for bringing this atrocity upon us). For all that is good and holy, do not try this gum unless you wish to inflict pain on your enemies."
"Contrary to everyone else, I kinda liked it. Reminded me of Fruit Stripe/Gatorade –much better than FruitStripe, not as unique as Gatorade"

Flavor Strength: 2.6
Jay - 3
Kevin - 1
Dan - 4
Adam - 1
Mark - 4

"The gum has a very strong taste, but because it is just horrible, I have to only give it a 1."
"The strength is fine, it is just too bad the taste sucks."
"Too strong I’m afraid for this gum."

Texture & Consistency: 2.2
Jay - 4
Kevin - 1
Dan - 4
Adam - 1
Mark - 1

"Can’t get past the taste to rate this category."
"While the consistency isn’t all that bad, the taste is so horrible, I cannot award this gum any value in points."
"Fairly standard for a stick gum."
"Okay, I guess."
"Got dense too quick. At 20 I spit it out."

Refreshment: 1.4
Jay - 1
Kevin - 1
Dan - 1
Adam - 1
Mark - 3

"I need to brush my teeth."
"Are you fu*beep*cking kidding me?!"
"I might just pass this gum out to my kids as punishment rather than washing their mouth out with soap."
"Best thing about this gum: spitting it out. Next best thing: the wrapper? That’s all this gum has going for it – spitting it out, and the wrapper."
"For the first 5 minutes it was “refreshing”."

Overall Score: 1.84

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

4.12 - Trident Vitality: Awaken

Trident Vitality: Awaken

This is Trident's counter to the Stride Spark line of gums. Trident's Vitality Awaken has Ginseng.

Participating in this review are the classics: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam. In addition, the new guy: Mark.

Flavor Longevity: 4.4
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 5
Mark - 4

"The flavor lasts a while."
"21 minutes and still going."
"Flavor nearly outlasted Favre’s latest retirement."

Taste: 4.2
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 5
Mark - 4

"It is a pretty mild peppermint...they say “peppy”. It isn’t minty enough though, just not enough flavor."
"Yay! A gum that doesn’t taste like shit!"
"I like it."
"One of the better tasting gums I’ve tried."

Flavor Strength: 4.2
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 5
Mark - 4

"It is mild, as said. Overall it is pretty week. The mint needs to be more “peppy”."
"Just right."

Texture & Consistency: 3.8
Jay - 2
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 5
Mark - 4

"The piece of gum is small. There isn’t enough to offer any resistance to the gnashing teeth. You could “chew” this between the roof of your mouth and your tongue."
"Even after 20 mins, still easy to chew."
"Just a tad bit too soft."
"Good for chewing – wouldn’t mind it being ever so slightly stronger so I could pop a few more small bubbles."

Refreshment: 4.0
Jay - 2
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 5
Mark - 4

"Buy this gum!"
"Very refreshing."
"Not sure if the Ginseng had any effect, but I enjoyed this gum."

Overall Score: 4.12