Thursday, May 19, 2011

4.12 - Stride Spark: Kinetic Mint

Stride Spark: Kinetic Mint

A couple weeks ago we tried the Kinetic Fruit. Now it is time for the Mint. Just a hint: this gum almost broke into the top 5 of all time!

Participating in this review are the classics: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam. In addition, the new guy: Mark.

Flavor Longevity: 4.2
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 4
Mark - 4

"Stronger than 3-of-a-kind in a game of 5-Card Stud."
"Still going, oddly enough."
"Has a solid lingering mint taste that keeps going and going."

Taste: 3.8
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 3
Mark - 4

"This is a unique mint. The mint is good and they threw in something a little extra...a hint of citrus?"
"What a gum should taste like, but it’s oddly non-descriptive."
"Very sweet – almost too sweet. Some of the initial sweetness backs off eventually, leaving you with a pleasant sweet-minty taste."

Flavor Strength: 4.6
Jay - 5
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 4
Mark - 5

"Perfect. Not too strong, just right."
"Pretty strong taste"

Texture & Consistency: 4.0
Jay - 5
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 4
Mark - 4

"Just about perfect for this kind of gum."

Refreshment: 4.0
Jay - 5
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 3
Mark - 4

"This may well be my new favorite gum."
"Kinda refreshing...I think?"
"Not too bad, but could have used more mint and less sweet in the flavor. Otherwise, a decent all-around gum."

Overall Score: 4.12

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