Tuesday, June 28, 2011

3.60 - Dentyne Pure: Mint with Melon Accents

Dentyne Pure: Mint with Melon Accents is a nice blend of flavor. You get hint of refreshing melon mixed in with the refreshing mint. Although, can you mix flavors and call it "pure"?

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Adam, & Mark.

Flavor Longevity: 3.3
Jay - 2
Kevin - 3
Adam - 4
Mark - 4

"It doesn't last very long."

Taste: 4.0
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Adam - 5
Mark - 4

"The taste is very refreshing. The mint is fairly strong and the hint of melon gives a nice clean taste."
"I liked it."

Flavor Strength: 3.8
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Adam - 4
Mark - 4

"It is middle-ground strength."

Texture & Consistency: 3.3
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Adam - 3
Mark - 3

"Really good. If it was just a bit larger it would be the perfect chew."
"Too soft towards the end."

Refreshment: 3.8
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Adam - 4
Mark - 4

"I liked it a lot and found it to be refreshing."

Overall Score: 3.60

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