Saturday, December 31, 2011

2.43 - Mentos Gum: UP2U: Mandarin Strawberry

Mentos Gum: UP2U: Mandarin Strawberry is one half of the new Mentos "Up to you" line of gums.

Basically it is two half packs of gum put together. In this case, it is paired with Spearmint, which we reviewed last time.

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Dan, Adam, Liz, & Mark.

Flavor Longevity: 2.67
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 3
Adam - 1
Liz - 4
Mark - 2

"Let’s make it last a little longer next time."
"Kinda Sucked."

Taste: 2.33
Jay - 3
Kevin - 2
Dan - 3
Adam - 1
Liz - 3
Mark - 2

"Not great and not horrible. Rather ‘meh’. The strawberry wasn’t very detectable – felt more like a vague citrus-y flavor that I couldn’t quite pin down. Pretty mediocre showing, Mentos. Try harder next time."
"For what it is, I guess it is okay, but nothing special."
"At first, it was unpleasant – my tongue tingled and a toxic waste kind of way, not a fun Pop Rocks kind of way; then it got better."
"The inventor of this gum must hate his fellow man."

Flavor Strength: 2.33
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Dan - 3
Adam - 2
Liz - 3
Mark - 2

"Somewhat weak. Really could have brought the awesome sauce, but they left it in the bottle."
"Fairly weak. Of course that may be what they are going for, a mild flavor."
"It got better as it dissipated."
"Sucky taste didn’t last too long."

Texture & Consistency: 2.83
Jay - 4
Kevin - 2
Dan - 4
Adam - 1
Liz - 5
Mark - 1

"Good stuff here."
"What the fuck is that? Is there something crunchy in this gum?"

Refreshment: 2.00
Jay - 2
Kevin - 1
Dan - 3
Adam - 1
Liz - 4
Mark - 1

"This gum was quite average. Kind of disappointing really."
"The aftertaste wasn’t great and took a little work to get out."
"Better than a mouth full of Bee’s but.. not really refreshing at all."

Overall Score: 2.43

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