Saturday, January 30, 2010

2.20 - Bubblicious Bursts: Mango Peach

Another "gush" style gum, but more or less the same result. The burst in this one just provided a really disgusting boost of "flavor", that soon fades. It would be better if the burst wasn't there at all.

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam.

Flavor Longevity: 1.75
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Dan - 2
Adam - 1

"After 20 min, you’re barely left with any taste."
"About 10 minutes into it, the flavor has faded to almost nothing. Unlike a minty type gum, there is no flavor permeation."

Taste: 2.00
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Dan - 3
Adam - 1

"The initial burst is pretty bad, and gross. Then the flavors mix and it is a mildly pleasant citrusy flavor, but only mildly."

Flavor Strength: 2.50
Jay - 3
Kevin - 2
Dan - 3
Adam - 2

"The strength is in the middle. Luckily the taste wasn’t very strong and didn’t last very long."
"Could be a bit stronger."

Texture & Consistency: 3.25
Jay - 4
Kevin - 2
Dan - 3
Adam - 4

"There was nothing overall bad about the chewability. The amount of gun was fine."

Refreshment: 1.50
Jay - 2
Kevin - 1
Dan - 2
Adam - 1

"My mouth is not refreshed. I need some Trident Spearmint to wash my mouth out."
"Afterward, I had to cleanse the palette with our all time high scoring gum to be refreshed."

Overall Score: 2.20

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