Sunday, January 17, 2010

4.25 - Wrigley's Orbit: Maui Melon Mint

You would think something called Maui Melon Mint it would bring a strange and completely gross mix of flavors that were never meant to go together, like Beef-Peppermint. But it is a pretty surprising gum.

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, & Dan. Special guest reviewer: Chromer.

Flavor Longevity: 4.25
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Chromer - 5

"Needs just a bit more."
"Fairly long lasting."
"Still going!"

Taste: 4.00
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Chromer - 4

"The sweetness of the Maui Melon (whatever that is) is balanced pretty well with the Mint."
"Not bad. Pretty sweet (almost like candy). I didn’t taste the ‘maui’ or the ‘melon’, but it was more of a sweet mint."
"Super fresh taste feels like being out in the cold when you breathe in."

Flavor Strength: 4.50
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Chromer - 5

"It fades near the end, but the Mint is already entrenched."
"It was a perfect level not too strong or to wimpy."

Texture & Consistency: 4.25
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Chromer - 4

"A bit small chewing piece, but not bad."
"A little on the soft side, but good overall."

Refreshment: 4.25
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Chromer - 5

"Better than you would think, given the name."
"Overall, pretty good. Would have preferred a bit less sweet, but it was good though."

Overall Score: 4.25

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