Thursday, October 8, 2009

2.27 - Wrigley's Orbit: Strawberry Mint

Strawberry Mint...a very strange combination. Possibly intriguing, possibly tasty, possibly disgusting.

Participating in this review: Dan, Jay, & Kevin.

Flavor Longevity: 2.33
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 1

"I spit it out after 5 min."
"Didn't really last too long."

Taste: 1.33
Jay - 1
Kevin - 2
Dan - 1

"Not really sure it tasted like strawberry...and mint just doesn’t seem like a good compliment flavor."
"If I could rate this a 0, I would. In a word – ass. Starts out with promise but quickly flips over to nastiness within a minute."
"Have had worse."

Flavor Strength: 3.00
Jay - 2
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4

"Over all what flavor it does have is pretty weak."
"Strong, but that’s not a good thing for this gum."

Texture & Consistency: 3.00
Jay - 3
Kevin - 2
Dan - 4

"Pretty normal, dense at the beginning."
"Ok, I guess."

Refreshment: 1.67
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Dan - 1

"Not only does my mouth not feel “just brushed clean”, I feel like I need to, to get this taste out!"
"Horrible. If evil could be contained with a gum, I’m pretty sure it would taste something like this. Avoid at all costs."

Overall Score: 2.27

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