Saturday, November 14, 2009

3.63 - Bubblicious: Watermelon

If you like Watermelon, this is probably your gum. If not, it is still pretty good, especially if you like bubbles.

Participating in this review: Dan, Jay, Kevin, & Adam.

Flavor Longevity: 2.75
Jay - 2
Kevin - 4
Dan - 3
Adam - 2

"Give it about 15 mins and all you have is just a “hint” of watermelon."
"20+ minutes of flavorful enjoyment."
"The Watermelon flavor drops before the 15 minute mark."
"Flavor subsides, but does manage to linger for a while. Like the Cranberries song."

Taste: 4.00
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 5

"Definitely tastes like watermelon (at least at first)!"
"Yummy yummy to my tonguey."
"The Watermelon flavor isn’t bad, but once it passes there is a “battery acid” flavor."

Flavor Strength: 4.50
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 5

"The taste is not too strong and not too weak. It’s just right."
"Little strong at first but tapered off to a very enjoyable flavor."
"The strength is mild, but not too mild"

Texture & Consistency: 3.25
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Dan - 3
Adam - 3

"The gum is perfect at first, but like all things, quickly turns to shit and it feels like you’re chewing rubber."
"Very easy to chew at first – deteriorated under the water drinking test."
"Good. Easy to chew."
"Becomes kind of hard to chew after a while."

Refreshment: 2.75
Jay - 2
Kevin - 4
Dan - 3
Adam - 2

"Watermelon is not very refreshing..."
"Pleasantly refreshing."
"I didn’t really feel refreshed. I suppose I correlate refreshment with mint, because I those are the only kinds of gums I feel refreshed after."
"Just so-so. Not great, but not horrible."

Bubble Ability: 4.50
Jay - 5
Kevin - 3
Dan - 5
Adam - 5

"True to its name – this gum is Bubblicious."
"Lacking in strength the hold up to the big bubble test, but does fine with the smaller bubbles."
"Lives up to the name...Bubblicious!"
"Big bubbles coming from this mouth!"

Overall Score: 3.63

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