Wednesday, November 4, 2009

4.10 - Wrigley's Hubba Bubba MAX: Island Punch

This gum has our second perfect 5 score in something, and the first in bubble blowing. If other gums took a page out of the "Hubba Bubba" bubble gum formula, the world would be at peace. At an overall rating over 4, this gum is a good one and if you don't want (or don't like) minty flavors, it is a solid choice.

Participating in this review: Dan, Jay, Kevin, Adam, & special guest reviewer: Chromer.

Flavor Longevity: 3.00
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Dan - 3
Adam - 3
Chromer - 2

"Flavor tapers off rather quickly."
"Holds up to the drinking water test."
"Doesn’t last very long."
"Started losing flavor about 6 minutes in."
"So-so. Starts out strong but fades away after a bit."

Taste: 4.00
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 4
Chromer - 4

"This gum has a unique taste, I like it."
"Pretty tasty – not bad at all."
"While it lasted, the flavor was good. The scent was even snorting Kool-Aid."
"This is pretty tasty gum, I do get an Island feel. Right near the beach! SHABBA!"
"Not bad – tastes like the fruit drink, Hawaiian Punch."

Flavor Strength: 3.80
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Dan - 5
Adam - 4
Chromer - 3

"The flavor strength is just right, could be a bit stronger and maybe it would last a bit longer."
"Very pleasant, smooth flavor – not too strong – not too weak."
"The flavor was too weak."
"It was average."

Texture & Consistency: 4.40
Jay - 5
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 5
Chromer - 5

"This is exactly what I want in a bubble gum."
"Little tuff – could cause a TMJ flare-up if chewed for extended periods of time."
"Almost perfect."
"I think it had the perfect consistency for bubble gum."
"Quite the mouthful. A very ‘big’ gum."

Refreshment: 4.40
Jay - 4
Kevin - 5
Dan - 5
Adam - 4
Chromer - 4

"While I appreciate the taste, I am not sure this is really refreshing..."
"Very refreshing – enjoyable chew."
"It made me feel good...almost like a kid. I mean, this is freakin’ Hubba Bubba!!!"
"Refreshment. Delivered."

Bubble Blowing: 5.00
Jay - 5
Kevin - 5
Dan - 5
Adam - 5
Chromer - 5


"I’d give this gum a 10, but this is a 1-5 scale review."
"Incredibly that even a word?"
"Finally a bubble gum worthy. First of all, it had enough gum to actually blow bubbles. They could be large and strong."
"I blew a bubble the size of my head! Looks like I’m getting a haircut tonight..."

Overall Score: 4.10

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