Thursday, December 31, 2009

2.08 - Trident: Wild Blueberry Twist

Well, I don't know how many times gum can really disappoint people, but we are finding a lot more we don't like, than we do like. Here is this pathetic attempt from Trident.

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam. Special guest reviewer: Chromer.

Flavor Longevity: 3.00
Jay - 2
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 4
Chromer - 2

"Flavor from the gum goes really fast. The flavor hangs out as it coats your mouth."
"Unfortunately, it lasts a while. Not sure if it merely imprinted its vile taste onto my taste buds, or that my brain can’t forget evil."
"Which is not a good thing here, like others, I wish the taste would disappear sooner."
"It did not last very long (Thanks be to above)."

Taste: 1.20
Jay - 2
Kevin - 1
Dan - 1
Adam - 1
Chromer - 1

"The flavor smells like fruit loops, but tastes like moldy fruit loops."
"There is a nasty metallic under-taste...yuck...couldn’t get it out of my mouth soon enough. Off to the doctor to be tested for heavy metal poisoning."
"Putrid. First thought was, “I sure hope the Longevity score is low, because this is awful”."
"The taste of this was just horrible."
"This gum makes me wonder who is fired over at Trident corp."

Flavor Strength: 3.00
Jay - 1
Kevin - 2
Dan - 4
Adam - 3
Chromer - 5

"Too strong for a gum of this type."
"This is not a good thing."
"The flavor was ridiculously strong at first, I could smell it before I even unwrapped it."

Texture & Consistency: 2.20
Jay - 3
Kevin - 2
Dan - 1
Adam - 2
Chromer - 3

"Too small of a piece, like all other Tridents."
"Who cares when the gum sucks this bad?"
"Right down the middle, Trident is too small to begin with, but the consistency is average."

Refreshment: 1.00
Jay - 1
Kevin - 1
Dan - 1
Adam - 1
Chromer - 1

"As tasty as Fruit Loops are, you know how your mouth feels after eating a bowl of Fruit Loops with Milk, and then drinking the Milk? Yeah, it is kinda like that."
"As refreshing as pulling out a stick of warm, brown, juicy crap and chewing on said stick of crap. Unless you’re into that sort of thing."
"It refreshes me like sand."

Overall Score: 2.08

Sunday, December 20, 2009

2.04 - Hubba Bubba Max: Cherry Lemonade

Each time we try a "Max", it gets worse than the one before. I really am dreading the next one...

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Adam. Special guest reviewer: Chromer.

Flavor Longevity: 1.75
Jay - 2
Kevin - 3
Adam - 1
Chromer - 1

"Doesn’t last long at all. Thankfully, that is a good thing in this case as the taste was bad."
"Flavor lasted too long for me to make it past the 20 min mark, which is bad."
"The best thing about the flavor of this gum is that it disappears within minutes."
"It’s all in your face and then gone just as quick."

Taste: 1.50
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Adam - 1
Chromer - 1

"Ug. Not sure what the crap this is supposed to be. More like Cherry-Lemonade-SourCrap."
"Tastes like plastic, mixed with citrus, mixed with crap."
"The taste is just horrible. There is just a sour taste that I had to spit out my saliva to ensure I didn’t swallow the horribleness of this gum."

Flavor Strength: 1.75
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Adam - 2
Chromer - 1

"Way too strong to start and then, way too weak."
"Way too strong flavor of disgust."
"The flavor is just horrible and hits its peak within minutes of you starting to chew. The flavor then drops off and it tastes like you are chewing on wax."
"Couldn’t speak due to temporary induced pucker."

Texture & Consistency: 2.50
Jay - 4
Kevin - 2
Adam - 3
Chromer - 1

"Probably the best thing about this gum."
"Too Rubbery."

Refreshment: 1.25
Jay - 1
Kevin - 2
Adam - 1
Chromer - 1

"Not a chance in hell."
"It grossed my mouth out."
"When I think refreshment, I don’t think of sour tasting crap…which is what this gum tastes like."

Bubble Ability: 3.50
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Adam - 4
Chromer - 2

"Still decent at the bubble blowing, but you have to wait until the horrible flavor fades before you can try."
"I couldn’t stand to make the bubble because that meant I had to put the gum directly on my tongue, which is gross."
"As with all the Hubba Bubba gums, the bubble ability is great."

Overall Score: 2.04

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

3.70 - Trident: Original

Original flavor. The problem is, no one is quite sure what that even means, although it is quite minty. It is sweetened with Xylitol, which gives it a good sweetness.

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam. Special guest reviewers Chromer & Brandon.

Flavor Longevity: 3.50
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Dan - 3
Adam - 4
Chromer - 5
Brandon - 2

"20 mins in and WOW, the taste is STILL THERE! YAY!!"
"Lasts pretty long, but the flavor stops coming from the gum. The mint permeates your mouth and then it radiates the mint from it, not the gum."
"Lasts forever does not waiver."

Taste: 3.83
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 4
Chromer - 4
Brandon - 3

"The Original flavor tastes great, now, Trident, quit making up new shit gum like 'Tropical Twist.'"
"Decent, but not great. It was kind of a generic minty flavor."
"Pretty darn tasty."
"Not bad.. after a few seconds, the flavor is pretty decent. Not sure what the flavor is, but it is good (kind of a minty, sweet flavor)."

Flavor Strength: 3.83
Jay - 3
Kevin - 5
Dan - 5
Adam - 4
Chromer - 3
Brandon - 3

"Perfect blend of flavor strength given the refreshing flavor."
"Excellent – not too strong – not too weak – spot on."
"Not too intense but could be a little less at first."

Texture & Consistency: 3.50
Jay - 5
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 4
Chromer - 2
Brandon - 3

"A little overly tough."
"Trident is almost always good here."

Refreshment: 3.83
Jay - 4
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 4
Chromer - 4
Brandon - 3

"My mouth feels like it just woke up from a long nap: all happy, rested and refreshed!"
"I had Mexican for lunch, and now my mouth feels clean and refreshed."
"Fairly solid. Wished the taste lasted a bit longer. Otherwise good."

Overall Score: 3.70

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2.30 - Trident: Tropical Twist

Sometimes a good tropical flavor can be really refreshing. Unfortunately, this isn't one of those times. It really was almost a challenge to see who could hold out the longest before spitting it out.

Participating in this review: Dan, Jay, Kevin, & Adam.

Flavor Longevity: 2.75
Jay - 2
Kevin - 5
Dan - 1
Adam - 3

"Long lasting - Even after several minutes, my mouth still tastes like shit."
"I had to spit my gum out."
"I was kind of hoping the claim (of long lasting flavor) was incorrect after the first few seconds."

Taste: 1.50
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Dan - 1
Adam - 1

"Does anyone taste test this shit?"
"Not pleasant. They certainly made a weird twist to the ‘tropical’ flavor. And the twist is...crap."
"I think it is giving me a migraine."

Flavor Strength: 3.00
Jay - 3
Kevin - 1
Dan - 4
Adam - 4

"The shit taste is very strong."
"I could fathom the taste being slightly stronger, but I do not want."

Texture & Consistency: 3.00
Jay - 4
Kevin - 2
Dan - 4
Adam - 2

"In terms of shit. This would be the beer shits."

Refreshment: 1.25
Jay - 1
Kevin - 2
Dan - 1
Adam - 1

"When did shit become refreshing?"
"In a word *bleh!*"

Overall Score: 2.30

Thursday, December 3, 2009

2.48 - Trident Layers: Green Apple + Golden Pineapple

Layers...those commercials where everyone is talking about how they never get Layers. It is like the Trix Rabbit. Instead of all that crap, why not just go to the store and buy some. Or the Coyote...if he can mail order all that crap to try to catch the Roadrunner, why not just order a pizza? Anyway, back to my point: Layers doesn't live up to the hype.

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Dan, Adam, & Chromer.

Flavor Longevity: 2.60
Jay - 3
Kevin - 4
Dan - 4
Adam - 1
Chromer - 1

"It starts off strong, but fades quickly to only a hint of flavor. Then it is just living off past glories, like Bruce Springsteen."
"Who’re going to spit it out."
"Lasts too long because it tastes of crap."

Taste: 1.80
Jay - 3
Kevin - 2
Dan - 2
Adam - 1
Chromer - 1

"The flavor is good, if you like that kind of thing. It was a bit too “clashy” though."
"This gum is horrid!"
"Freaking gross. It tastes like I’m chewing on a penny."
"In a word ‘disappointing’. I was looking forward to the ‘layers of flavor’ and wondering if I should request to have my paycheck converted to Trident gum. However, the taste didn’t live up to the hype. Not good."

Flavor Strength: 3.20
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 4
Chromer - 1

"The strength is good, again if you like the taste."
"The shitty taste never goes away...even when you spit it out!"
"Way too strong! Makes me angry, I can still taste it!"

Texture & Consistency: 3.00
Jay - 5
Kevin - 2
Dan - 5
Adam - 2
Chromer - 1

"It's hard to chew at first and then you just spit it out."
"It's awkward, kept missing the gum and biting myself."

Refreshment: 1.80
Jay - 3
Kevin - 2
Dan - 2
Adam - 1
Chromer - 1

"Not a much different feeling than just eating candy."
"Nothing about this shit gum is refreshing."
"If refreshment equaled anger this would be a 5."
"If the flavor was actually good, this was be a decent gum. Alas, it was not meant to be."

Overall Score: 2.48