Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2.30 - Trident: Tropical Twist

Sometimes a good tropical flavor can be really refreshing. Unfortunately, this isn't one of those times. It really was almost a challenge to see who could hold out the longest before spitting it out.

Participating in this review: Dan, Jay, Kevin, & Adam.

Flavor Longevity: 2.75
Jay - 2
Kevin - 5
Dan - 1
Adam - 3

"Long lasting - Even after several minutes, my mouth still tastes like shit."
"I had to spit my gum out."
"I was kind of hoping the claim (of long lasting flavor) was incorrect after the first few seconds."

Taste: 1.50
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Dan - 1
Adam - 1

"Does anyone taste test this shit?"
"Not pleasant. They certainly made a weird twist to the ‘tropical’ flavor. And the twist is...crap."
"I think it is giving me a migraine."

Flavor Strength: 3.00
Jay - 3
Kevin - 1
Dan - 4
Adam - 4

"The shit taste is very strong."
"I could fathom the taste being slightly stronger, but I do not want."

Texture & Consistency: 3.00
Jay - 4
Kevin - 2
Dan - 4
Adam - 2

"In terms of shit. This would be the beer shits."

Refreshment: 1.25
Jay - 1
Kevin - 2
Dan - 1
Adam - 1

"When did shit become refreshing?"
"In a word *bleh!*"

Overall Score: 2.30

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