Thursday, May 27, 2010

3.35 - Eclipse: Winterfrost

Eclipse: Winterfrost is the first Eclipse gum we have reviewed. It comes in the foil bubble packs. Not super convenient for transport, but okay if you have a handy drawer at work you keep it in, just using that as an example. Not that I have a drawer filled with every kind of gum imaginable or anything, all unlocked and unsecured, so anyone can just take some.

Oh, uh...right. Winterfrost. Here's the review:

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam.

Flavor Longevity: 3.75
Jay - 4
Kevin - 2
Dan - 5
Adam - 4

"Not bad."
"Your ‘loving sessions’ will stay minty-fresh throughout!"

Taste: 4.25
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Dan - 5
Adam - 5

"A little strange tasting, but overall a decent mint."

Flavor Strength: 3.25
Jay - 3
Kevin - 2
Dan - 4
Adam - 4

"Starts too strong and then drops to too weak."

Texture & Consistency: 2.25
Jay - 2
Kevin - 2
Dan - 3
Adam - 2

"Very small portion. I almost lost it in my mouth."
"I find myself needing two pieces to be worth the chew."
"Gum is ok, but I could use a bigger piece. Really, feel free to explore the SPACE of your mouth with this gum. I’m gonna need more gum."

Refreshment: 3.25
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 4
Adam - 3

"Not bad, but not very refreshing."
"If I had other mint gum, I would choose it, but in a pinch, it will do."
"I’d give it a 5 if the piece was bigger."

Overall Score: 3.35

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