Monday, May 31, 2010

3.85 - Eclipse: Spearmint

So, I have this condition. When I pop a piece of really minty gum into my mouth, the mint blast causes me to sneeze. Just once and then it is done. This is the first time one of our gums has caused this to happen.

Now that I think about it, the gum that makes this happen to me on a routine basis is Eclipse as well. Anyway, that speaks to the strength of the flavor, at least to start.

Participating in this review: Jay, Kevin, Dan, & Adam.

Flavor Longevity: 4.25
Jay - 4
Kevin - 3
Dan - 5
Adam - 5

"Lasts a while."

Taste: 3.75
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 5
Adam - 4

"The spearmint isn’t very sweet...almost a sour."

Flavor Strength: 3.75
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 5
Adam - 4

"Very strong at first – but tapers off and lasts quite a while."
"Too strong to start and it doesn’t really settle to a good point. It goes from strong to weak with nothing in the middle."

Texture & Consistency: 3.75
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 5
Adam - 4

"Good Stuff."
"Pieces are too small. Typically when I get these kinds of gum, I have to chew two."

Refreshment: 3.75
Jay - 3
Kevin - 3
Dan - 5
Adam - 4

"I feel like I just licked a mint leaf – mouth feel clean and & minty."
"Not really."

Overall Score: 3.85

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