Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Review Of Disgust, part 2...The Bottom 5 Gums (so far...)

So far, this blog has reviewed over 60 gums. It is time to update list of gums that are the most disappointing, gross, pointless, and a waste of your $1.25.

So sit back, relax, and remember, do NOT buy these gums for any reason. Ever. (Well, unless you buy it for someone else who you hate and wish they would die.)

Coming it at #5 Worst Gum with a score of 2.05 is:
Wrigley's 5: React (warm)

Here are a couple choice comments from that review:
About Flavor Longevity: "It’s gone on vacation and didn’t even set its Out Of Office voicemail!"
About Refreshment: "The flavor is not refreshing...and another thing: the color of the gum. I need to comment on the grey/black color. It would be a good color only if you wanted to coordinate your gum with your handbag."

Coming it at #4 Worst Gum with a score of 2.04 is:
Hubba Bubba Max: Cherry Lemonade

Here are a couple choice comments from that review:
About Flavor Longevity: "The best thing about the flavor of this gum is that it disappears within minutes."
About Taste: "Ug. Not sure what the crap this is supposed to be. More like Cherry-Lemonade-SourCrap."

Coming it at #3 Worst Gum with a score of 1.88 is:
Wrigley's Hubba Bubba Glop: Strawberry Gush

Here are a couple choice comments from that review:
About Taste: "Flavor was so-so with the initial gush part. The after-taste when then the flavor leaves is not good though. Not good at all. Had to wash out mouth with a much better gum after wards."
About Bubble Ability: "It is a real PITA to try and blow a bubble with this shitty gum."

Coming it at #2 Worst Gum with a score of 1.84 is:
Wrigley's 5: Vortex (Green Apple)

Here are a couple choice comments from that review:
About Taste: "This is an extremely vile taste. It is vaguely like apple, but I am pretty sure there is some anthrax and rotting battery acid too."
About Refreshment: "I might just pass this gum out to my kids as punishment rather than washing their mouth out with soap."

Coming it at #1 Worst Gum with a score of 1.70 is:
Fruit Stripe

Here are a couple choice comments from that review:
About Flavor Longevity: "Flavor disappears after about 60 secs of maintain flavor, you must keep adding pieces of gum..."
About Refreshment: "This gum sucks and almost made me hate life. I really hated it and threw it out after just a few minutes."

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